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$429,315 shaved off cost of new OC library
By Bob Lassahn
 The Worcester County Commissioners were hit with sticker shock from Nelson Young, of SPN, the construction management firm overseeing the new Ocean City branch of the county library, when he delivered the latest bid response figures. Originally anticipated at a cost in the range of $4.4 million the bids were some $2.4 million over that amount.
The commissioners at their June 6 meeting approved moving the project forward but instructed Mr. Young to “value engineer” the bids to the greatest extent possible.  Mr. Young was optimistic that the process could shave about $200,000 from the cost.
Mr. Young returned before the commissioners at their July 5 meeting with an announcement that his efforts had resulted in a savings of $429,315, bringing the total to $6.4 million instead of the previous $6.8 million. Some of the savings resulted from relatively minor changes in materials and Mr. Young assured the commissioners that the reductions did not degrade the quality of the finished product.
The commissioners commended Mr. Young for his efforts, resulting in a substantial savings to taxpayers. Commissioner Virgil Shockley raised the question regarding how much the “green building” elements, those that make the project more energy efficient, impact the bottom line. Mr. Young responded that a savings of about 20 percent might result by their elimination, but the commissioners were in agreement that the cost savings over the life of the building were worthwhile and the matter was dropped.
A shortfall in funding of slightly more than $2 million still remains, but the commissioners previously determined to fund the amount into the next budget cycle.

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