
Video: Kelley and Colgan
OPA Director Janet Kelley, apparently unhappy with the so-called "gag rule" preventing board members from addressing any lot owner problems aired during the Public Comments period at board meetings, decided to meet personally with lot owner Kevin Colgan about drainage problems on his lot. She also invited members of the media.

According to Colgan, his lot is covered with two or more feet of water during periods of heavy rain. He says the water comes from the golf course and backs up on his lot because pipes under the road at his property line are not large enough to handle the water flow. He has suffered a great deal of damage in the crawl space and garage.

Colgan, for the second time in the past year, brought his problems before the board at the October 19, 2005 meeting. Under the board "gag rule" no board member even responded to Colgan's plea for help. Colgan asks why the board is spending $4 million for a new community center when there is apparently no serious effort to alleviate serious flooding for a number of lot owners.

Colgan says both the General Manager and former OPA Board president Dan Stachurski were unresponsive to his problems when he appeared before the board many months ago.