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BaldHeaded Cardinal

Photo From: Jeanne Woodward - Album: Photography

Description: Here's an interesting fact - just in case you see a cardinal that looks like the one that I snapped a photo of in my yard.  It's usually summer, after the nesting season, when these "black-headed" cardinals show up. Guess what most birds do after the nesting season. They shed their feathers and grow new ones. This molting process occasionally produces a bald headed cardinal when a bird loses all its head feathers at the same time. Some birds, especially northern cardinals and blue jays, can lose all their head feathers at one time—a catastrophic molt.

Uploaded: 8/22/2022 by Jeanne Woodward

Camera/Image Info
Camera Make - Canon
Camera Model - Canon EOS R6
F-Stop - F/8
Shutter Speed - 1/500 sec
Focal Length - 400 mm
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