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ARC and Frank Biancaniello
by Frank Biancaniello

I am trying to make sense out of this situation, but, it is not easy.  The ECC, ARC, CPI or whatever name they are calling themselves this week has supposedly spent over $11,000.00 (not itemized or justified) of membership assessment dollars to make me tear off my beautiful screened porch. See image of my home below.

     Above: Biancaniello’s home at 269 Wind Jammer Road Front and Rear

 Did they spend this much money going after the house like the one across the street from my house at 268 WindJammer Rd which has been abandoned for about 7 years and has multiple broken windows, requires the OPA to cut grass monthly so neighbors have less of a snake problem, missing siding, broken glass and windows on front porch etc. Image below.

How about the house up the street at  213 Wind Jammer Road (seen below) which Mr. McGovern must pass going and coming to  his own home. This one is in even worse shape. There is debris all over the yard and rear deck, the inside is totally messed up, you can see an appliance in the middle of the floor from the rear deck. You should go by and look at the shed in back. Not only is it a wreck but the siding of the shed doesn’t match the siding of the house. Most of the windows are opaque and the roof covered in moss appears to be caving in. Image below.

To really appreciate the condition of these two homes on my street, you really have to go see them first hand. The pictures I took don’t do them justice. They look much worse. The gentleman living next to the one at 213 has told me he would like to see 213 torn down. Evidently, you have to be a member of the ECC committee to get things done. I have also heard similar sentiments concerning the home at 268 across from me.

$11,000.00 ?????

How much are they spending going after the gentleman who has a very attractive motorcycle cover?  How much are they saving by not going after boats with torn tarps?

Fact, the only member complaint about my porch came from my neighbor Bernie McGovern who is also the chairman of the ECC using his position to harass my wife and I rather than perform the tasks delegated to him by the OPA.  Fine, but the following photograph is of an illegally built bridge across the ditch behind Mr. McGovern’s house.  This bridge was illegally built by Mr. McGovern.  What is up with this?  Is this kind of hypocritical behavior allowed and even condoned by the membership and B of D of OP?? Image below.

My wife and I always thought a Homeowner Association was to protect homeowners from the situations I have tried to show and describe, not for ECC committee members to use their office for their own ends. Finally, why would the B of D allow this to happen without stepping in and stopping this kind of self serving hypocrisy?

Thank you for allowing me to vent.

                                        Frank Biancaniello

Uploaded: 8/20/2008