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Continuing the quest to kick the habit
By Bob Lassahn

This is an update on my quest to kick the nicotine habit. To date I have missed quite a few deadlines, but I fully intend to keep trying since I have sufficient medication to carry me through another two months. Labor Day, the most recent deadline, now looks a bit uncertain. Although I very often ignore my doctor's sage advice, in this instance I am religiously following his suggestion to not beat myself up, but keep trying.

I am happy to report the physical urge to smoke is long gone. The medication has worked wonders in alleviating cravings for nicotine and I have actually gone as long as 48 hours without lighting up a cancer stick. After this statement you might ask "then why do you still smoke?" In answer I must reply that it has everything to do with my being just a tad hardheaded and set in my ways, traits that my wife would heartily agree are driving forces in my life.

There is a problem rearing its ugly head regarding smoking cessation. One of the side effects noted for the medication is a change in taste and this phenomenon is now evident. On the upside the change in taste is for the better, but on the downside it has increased my enjoyment of food and I tend to grab a snack in lieu of smoking. The increasing numbers on the bathroom scale and some snugness in my waistband both testify to the fact that my cigarettes at least somewhat curtailed my propensity to overindulge in food and kept my metabolism in check.

I started this smoking cessation process a bit on the chubby side and also suffer from a condition where a what once was a massive chest has succumbed to gravity, now resembling a large gut. The unintended consequence of firing up dormant taste buds is likely the reason the program I am on calls for good nutrition and regular exercise.

Getting into the spirit of the thing I ate a salad with my burger and French fries last night, dug my bicycle out of the shed and pumped up the tires, then called it quits for the day since I want to start slow. Next on the agenda is adjusting the bicycle seat and checking that all fasteners are suitably tightened. I might actually ride the bike around the block at the end of the first week.

Although I am sleeping better the dreams that I spoke of in Part One of my quit smoking journey continue unabated. This side effect to my medication was a bit disconcerting at its onset, but I am completely at ease with it now. The dreams are beginning to link together into a first rate story line and I find I can "pause" the dream when nature calls during the night. I also have discovered that with a bit of concentration I can replay portions of the previous night's dream prior to continuing the saga. One problem is my inability to rationalize how flying saucers, covered wagons, dinosaurs and fuzzy bunnies are all connected in the ongoing storyline.

I was aware from the outset giving up cigarettes was going to be a long and difficult process for me to successfully achieve. With only limited interruptions they have been a constant companion and source of relaxation for the last 45 years and I am reluctant to let go of old friends. However, I am not completely stupid and I am fully aware that my life could be prolonged as well as enhanced in overall quality by kicking the habit. A secondary benefit would be that my reformed smoker better half would have one less reason to (shall we say) "critique" my many bad habits. The others shall be left to the imagination. I assure everyone that none are illegal or immoral, but fattening is definitely still on the table.

This process has been an interesting journey for me. I am learning a lot about myself, including some things I really never wanted to know. I am also amazed at the interest others have taken in my journey to become smoke free. I will deliver a final report when/if I am successful in laying off the cigarettes for a minimum of one week.

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Uploaded: 8/29/2007