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Aluglass receives commissioners’ nod
By Bob Lassahn

Following a public hearing during their December 21, 2006 meeting the Worcester County Commissioners put a proposed turnover of a county owned property to Royal Plus, Inc. on hold. The turnover of the Belt Street property in Snow Hill is an economic development initiative wherein Royal Plus pledges to accomplish the renovation of the structure and provide new jobs within the county in return for receipt of the property at no cost.

Several of the commissioners had reservations regarding the agreement and at the suggestion of Commissioner Judy Boggs agreed unanimously to hold off on the final decision pending additional information. With a number of unanswered questions, including the number of EDUs (equivalent dwelling units) of sewer and water to be allocated, the commissioners were ready to take another look during their January 2 meeting.

The first order of business for the morning was a tour of the cavernous facility. The commissioners were joined by Snow Hill Mayor Stephen Mathews, several county staff members and interested residents for the approximately one half hour visit and briefing.

Upon returning to their meeting chambers the commissioners immediately took up the issue and received notice that Royal Plus has extended the agreement to a total of 10 years. Under the revised terms the company will have five years to complete renovations and establish the minimum of 40 new jobs necessary. The new positions must be maintained for an additional five years to complete the agreement.

According to an overview Royal Plus will utilize the facility for a state of the art training facility where training sessions of two or three day duration for 50 to 100 persons will take place. It will also house a metal fabrication facility; flooring showroom and warehouse; plumbing, heating and air conditioning showroom and warehouse; and a facility for document restoration, contents cleaning and warehouse.

According to estimates from economic and development director Jerry Redden the Royal Plus takeover is expected to result in direct/indirect wage and salary impact of about $21.6 million and total local taxes between $179,000 and $213,00 over a five year period.

Commissioner Boggs questioned if there could be some stipulation that the jobs offered by Royal Plus would go first to Snow Hill residents and second to Worcester County residents. While it was decided that such a stipulation could not be mandated attorney Hugh Cropper, speaking on behalf of Royal Plus, assured the commissioners that the company would consider it a moral obligation to hire locally if qualified applicants are available.

Commissioner Linda Busick questioned the process of monitoring the performance of Royal Plus to ensure all terms of the agreement are being met and what remedies were available should the company fail to meet all requirements. With assurance from Mr. Redden that periodic reports are submitted and evaluated, and that the county has recourse if the terms are not met the issue was put to rest with Commissioner Louise Gulyas commenting the county would not be "standing over them with a whip and a chair," but in fact would be helping Royal Plus to achieve the stated goals.

On a motion from Commissioner Robert Cowger, with a second from Commissioner Gulyas the commissioners voted unanimously to the transfer when the question was called by Commission President James Purnell.

Matt Odachowski of Royal Plus commented that he hopes to get underway with renovations as quickly as possible and intends to have the building operational before the beginning of hurricane season in June 2007.

Royal Plus Disaster Kleenup specializes in the restoration of homes and businesses damaged by a variety of unforeseen circumstances and has been active in the Mid Atlantic region, Gulf Coast, and Southeastern United States recently struck by hurricanes.  Operating for more than two decades they are a network member of Disaster Kleenup International with locations in Baltimore, MD, Ocean City, MD, Kissimmee, FL, Key West, FL, Washington, DC and Onancock, VA.

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Uploaded: 1/11/2007