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 Tustin reports on hydrant maintenance
By Bob Lassahn

Fire hydrants have been a topic of interest to many Ocean Pines residents following incidents wherein responding units of the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department have arrived at a fire scene and encountered an inoperative hydrant. Commissioners Tom Cetola and Judy Boggs took an interest and in response the county Department of Public Works developed a fire hydrant flushing and maintenance program that will provide for a routine inspection of all county hydrants twice per year and flushing once per year.

Announced by Public Works Director John Tustin during the commissioners’ May 16 meeting, the program covers the communities included in River Run, Ocean Pines, Mystic Harbour, Oyster Harbor, Edgewood Acres and Assateague Point service areas. A notice will go out to the various associations to alert residents of the potential for a period of cloudy water as the hydrants are being flushed, a function of stirring up sediment in the lines that remains undisturbed until a hydrant is opened.

During such periods it is suggested residents should run cold water only until the condition is abated to avoid allowing the sediment and cloudy water to infiltrate the water heater.
The semi-annual maintenance of hydrants includes examination of general condition, pressure testing, checking gaskets, lubrication of threads and painting if required. The commissioners suggested involving the various fire department cadets in the program to provide familiarity with the function of the hydrants.

During her regular report to the Ocean Pines Association Board on May 17, Commissioner Boggs reviewed the program and offered assurance that it will greatly assist in keeping the hydrants operational. She also reported that additional hydrants would be installed in Ocean Pines utilizing funds derived from the Pennington Commons buy in to the Ocean Pines system.
Mrs. Boggs stressed that residents should be on the look out for possible damage to a hydrant and should report any potential problems to the Worcester County Water and Wastewater Division at 410-641-5251.

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